How to travel from Nairobi to Mombasa?
The distance between Nairobi and Mombasa is 263 miles or approximately 420 kilometers. There are several ways to get from Nairobi to Mombasa, including train, air, or bus. The fastest way to travel is by flight, which takes approximately 1 hour.
Depending on how you choose to travel, the following transportation methods are available:
By using a bus from Nairobi to Mombasa:
Traveling from Nairobi to Mombasa by bus is the cheapest option available. The bus takes around 10 hours to reach Mombasa, and the journey ticket might cost around $9 USD. There are two stopovers between you and your Kenya safari destination city, but there are seven major bus companies that run this route, including Simba, Tahmeed, Coast, Dreamline, Mash East Africa, Modern Coast, and Spanish Coaches.
By using a train from Nairobi to Mombasa:
Tourists who wish to travel by train to Mombasa from Nairobi will find this to be a comfortable and pleasant experience. You can hurry and purchase your ticket from Nairobi to Mombasa and enjoy the best of the best Kenya safari tours of your life. The railroad that connects the two cities is approximately 306 miles long. Traveling by train is also recommended as one of the fastest options, taking approximately 5 hours.
The price of a train ticket from Nairobi to Mombasa is $116. However, train ticket costs can change significantly, so the ideal time to purchase your train ticket is as early as possible, with fares starting at $78. The train is known to stop twice over the whole journey.
By using the flight/Air from Nairobi to Mombasa:
Traveling by air from Nairobi to Mombasa is the quickest and most convenient mode of transportation available. The two destinations are separated by a distance of 263 miles. The trip takes between 50 minutes and an hour; tickets here fluctuate often, but the average price for the destination is approximately $100 USD. However, it is reported that if you purchase flight tickets early, you will receive the greatest pricing, starting at $40 USD.