Is it cheap to travel in Kenya?
No, Kenya is certainly not a budget destination. Traditionally, affluent, elderly travelers have visited the country. This may be seen in a variety of ways, including hotel and safari pricing. National park admission fees are greater than in neighboring countries such as Uganda and Tanzania.
But, don’t worry, traveling around Kenya on a small/backpacker's budget is probably achievable. Public transportation is inexpensive, food, particularly fresh fruit, is inexpensive, and lodging does not have to be pricey. You may also go on a safari without breaking the wallet if you are a bit imaginative.
How Much Does a Trip to Kenya Cost?
The average daily cost of traveling to Kenya is around £89, which includes approximately £20 for meals and £24 for transportation charges.
If you're traveling on a limited budget and want to save money wherever possible, you may spend as little as £20 per day, including lodging.
However, extreme budget lodging in Kenya may fall well short of the health and safety standards required by most Western visitors, so it's best to spend a bit extra money if you want a higher degree of comfort.
Furthermore, if you want to engage in adventurous activities in Kenya, such as going on a safari, you can expect your average day cost to rise to roughly £160.
You should also budget for souvenirs in Kenya since the nation offers a diverse assortment of colorful handicrafts, ranging from tribal masks and shields to carved decorations and distinctive Kazuri bead jewelry.